16th St. Mall & Arapahoe
Business Category
Types of services provided
Bars & Restaurants
Accessibility Information
Unknown - Please inquire with this facility or service

Venue beneath the D&F Tower for shows such as Drag Shows, comedy, music & burlesque, plus a full bar & menu.

Business Phone Number
Business Website Address

DISCLAIMER: The businesses, services and organizations are listed in this directory as a service to the LGBTQ community. The Center makes no promises or guarantees about the accuracy or quality of the services being offered. The community is advised to carefully review the organizations listed in this Resource Directory before making a decision about utilizing any listed services.

If you discover incomplete, false or misleading information on this directory, please send corrected information to info@lgbtqcolorado.org.

NON-DISCRIMINATION AGREEMENT: Vendors, contractors, sponsors, community groups, staff and volunteers, and all other personnel associated with The Center’s Resource Directory agree at all times to honor and abide by the following statement of non-discrimination in word and action. Anyone associated with the Directory, or their employees or associates found to be in violation of this agreement will be removed from the Directory.

"All persons associated with The GLBT Community Center of Colorado (The Center) and its Resource Directory will provide service to individuals without regard to an individual's sexual orientation, gender identity/expression, HIV/AIDS status, race, color, national origin, ancestry, creed, religion, sex, gender, physical or mental disability, age, marital status, military status, veteran status, citizenship or any other protected classification in accordance with state, federal and municipal laws."