Chelsea Newton, Licensed Clinical Social Worker and LGBTQ+ Sex Therapist in Littleton, CO
8500 W. Bowles Ave. Suite 315
Chelsea Newton, LCSW, M.Ed. Queer, Bisexual Founder & Therapist with Phases of the Mind Therapy
Types of services provided
Adoption & Foster Care, Anxiety, Coming Out/Living Authentically, HIV/AIDS, Sexual Assault/Abuse, Therapists & Counselors, Trauma
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Unknown - Please inquire with this facility or service
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100% online sex therapy practice via telehealth.

I help baby queer and questioning LGBTQ+ people move through overwhelm, anxiety, and fear so that they can fully embrace their sexual identity and experience queer joy. Living in a cisheteronormative world can make coming out (even to yourself) feel daunting. I support recently out or wanting to come out LGBTQ+ people reduce overwhelm and make change.
Navigating sex and sexuality is hard. Navigating sex and sexuality as a newly out or questioning queer person is even harder. It can get better with therapy!

I’m Chelsea, a bisexual, queer sex therapist working in Colorado. My passion is helping other queer people overcome fear and anxiety related to sexuality and embrace their authentic self. As a queer person who “came out” in my 20s, I was terrified. I felt late to the game and did not have a queer coming of age story from my childhood or teen years like so many other LGBTQ+ people I looked up to.
Understanding and embracing your identity in isolation is incredibly difficult and sometimes it feels too risky to ask those around you for help. Will I lose this friend or family member if I share this part of me? Will they judge me? Will they ask questions I’m not prepared to answer? The good news is, you don’t have to do this alone!
As a sex therapist in Colorado, I specialize in helping people explore and understand their sexual identity so they feel less overwhelmed and more prepared to embrace themselves and their future–whatever it may hold. As a queer person, I have first hand knowledge of how overwhelming and scary it can be to embrace your queerness and integrate it with the rest of your life (especially if it’s new!). I can also happily report that working through these challenges has a huge payoff. I know this through my own experience and the experiences of so many clients I have supported over the years. What is it? QUEER JOY.
I graduated from Widener University’s Center for Human Sexuality Studies in 2014, where I was trained as a Clinical Sexologist (aka Sex Therapist). I have a Masters in Social Work (MSW) as well as a Masters in Human Sexuality Education. I am a Licensed Clinical Social Worker in Colorado and have worked in public service as a social worker for nearly 10 years in Denver.
All that to say, I hold a lot of knowledge about sex and sexuality and have a decade of experience in the mental health and social work fields. My approach to therapy is simple, you are human and so am I. I’m not the expert of you, but I can guide you.

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  • Chelsea Newton, Licensed Clinical Social Worker and LGBTQ+ Sex Therapist in Littleton, CO
  • Phases of the Mind Therapy Logo- LGBTQ+ Sex Therapist in Denver, Colorado
  • Chelsea Newton, Licensed Clinical Social Worker and LGBTQ+ Sex Therapist in Littleton, CO

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"All persons associated with The GLBT Community Center of Colorado (The Center) and its Resource Directory will provide service to individuals without regard to an individual's sexual orientation, gender identity/expression, HIV/AIDS status, race, color, national origin, ancestry, creed, religion, sex, gender, physical or mental disability, age, marital status, military status, veteran status, citizenship or any other protected classification in accordance with state, federal and municipal laws."